I want to thanx Asterix9500 for giving me the chilean TVN master version, & Zbych for autorisation to share the rare but simply perfect Betacam master version !!
Many versions of this dvd are circulating:
* the most current is the "Justin " version, coming from a 2nd generation vhs, with a not very good image but a great great sound quality ("virtually flawless", like Justin said, and he is right !!!) ! The broadcast is almost complete, only missing the end of Where The Streets Have No Name.
* a 1st generation (said master but I believe it's at best 1st gen) coming on 1 dvd, better image than Justin version, but still not perfect, brighntess & contrast are not optimal. The broadcast is complete.
* a betacam master version (Betacam Master Tapes > DVD [Pre-Broadcast - "Please" from MasterTV VHS ] ) , coming on 2 dvd, with a very good sound and ... an absolutely perfect image quality ! this one is the best dvd bootleg I've ever seen but its problem is : it's really not complete ! Please is missing (even if a bad version from 1st gen (master ?? so a bad master .. ) is added on the original dvd, it's not a really good version) , and Introduction, end of Where The Streets Have No Name, intermission between With or without You & Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me , and outroduction are missing too .... that's why I've worked on it ;)
* and an other 2 dvd version, coming from master Chilean TVN channel :
video : master recorded with betamax sony
audio : master recorded with minidisc JVC
are the original from TVN ( tvn = television nacional de chile)
edited and mixed by Rodrigo Masferrer and Oliver Serrano ;
not as good as the betacam master version , but it's the best COMPLETE version circulating, no one of the other is as long as this one !
That's why I've decided to work on this to make an ideal DVD with all these versions, to make 1 optimal version (until we have a Betacam master COMPLETE version to be released ... if it exists)
SO, most of the video is coming from the betacam master version, except Introduction / Please / End of Where The Streets Have No Name & beggining of Lemon / Intermission between With or without You & Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me / end (the last seconds) which are coming from the Chilean TVN master. The difference is clear, so you'll see when the version changes, but I hope you won't be too denied ...