CD 1 & 2: Mexico - February 15, 2006.
Taper location: In the middle of "main section", among the stage lips.
Notes: It was a very good concert in the Aztec Stadium, a huge stadium that housed more than 100,000 people that couple of nights (both nights). For this first night of the Vertigo Tour i was in the middle of the action, between the 2 lips of the main stage, in front of Bono, so, you can hear comments, singings, screams and many more funny things while this happens.
I was very impressed to listen sing so many people, since where i was you can cleary listen people singing coming for all directions. A noticeable moment from this night was when Bono started to sing "Cielito Lindo", a piece of popular mexican music and the whole stadium was singing with him.
It was one of my first recordings and do a recording in this place is not easy, anyway i think is a good recording overall and you can feel inside the stadium if you close your eyes and only listen to the music.
During Sunday Bloody Sunday my minidisc decide take a minibreak and the song has a tiny gap @ 0:34, no more gaps in the recording and is the whole recording, including the encore breaks.
Enjoy it and if you like what you listen let a comment, is the only way to know what think the other people about the recording in quality and enjoying matters. |