San Diego (CA) - March 28, 2005
U2rulesmyworld notes
Center: u2rulesmyworld, Sony hc21 20x
Floor: V8, Olympus Digicam 3x
Right side: Noodlz,Sony DV cam 10x
Lower Left: jam007, Sony pc1000 10x
Upper right: rjpass, sony trv340 25x
All from DV masters or clones of masters
Authoring: Sony DVD Architect Studio 4.5
Mixing: Sony Vegas 7.0
Bitrate: Video 8.5mbps avg, audio 256kbps mp3
Chrisedge, Sound Professional AT933 Hyper Cardioids > Sound Pro Battery Box (Roll off @ 107Hz) > Sony PCM-M1 (@ 44.1khz)
This obviously is opening night of the Vertigo Tour, and has been previously released in many forms. The main difference between this and the others is this is a dual layer DVD at a high bitrate and a simple mix in the 16x9 aspect ratio, this means it will look better on large screen TV's.
Some minor color correction was done to darken over exposed footage, crooked angles were straightened and very little 'spiffy' editing techniques were used, its just a simple 5 cam mix. The Use of the 16x9 aspect ratio allowed me to better frame shots. No image stabilization was done, mainly because it takes a long time and the ghosting affect kinda sucks, it is after all a bootleg so some shakiness is part of the deal